Category Archives: Animal Cruelty Exposed

Travesty – SWAT Team Shoots & Kills a Dog


Dog Killed by SWAT

An argument over dog waste results in threats between neighbors so police were called.  Then SWAT was called when one of the parties barricaded himself in his house.

His little dog runs outside with wagging tail and the SWAT team shoots & kills Angel the dog.  They shoot with those massive rifles, twice.

Police say it was an unnecessary distraction? Murdering “unnecessary distractions” is justified?


Two issues here:

  1. HUMANS MUST PROTECT ANIMALS. This is a case of firstly people do not recognize the value of life, especially animals. The number of animals, and “pets” killed through neglect, abandonment, cruel intentions and police is massive.  Maybe people can’t grasp 2.7 million, of course it could be because we lack humanity.  So what if they saw 20 dogs or cats in one room, had to watch “being put down” – which is murder.  Would they change their mind?

This dog should not have been shot.   If a toddler came out of the door smiling, would they have murdered the child?  What if the toddler came outside screaming, crying and growling because she was terrified. Child, dog, cat, guinea pig, rabbit, rat, sparrow – they should not be shot and killed.  Which brings me to point two.

  1. Police cannot use the excuse of fear for their life or distraction as a reason to kill. Do not get me wrong, I know that there are many men and women police officers that work hard, put their life on the line and protect & serve.

But governments & police departments must screen all applicants. Or do a better job screening.  And they need improved ongoing training.  Incidents like this would not happen if the right people with the best training were involved. Read an article by Frank Serpico in Politico Magazine to learn more about helping law enforcement.

And America must stop portraying the any means necessary law enforcement movies & TV.  Any means is not necessary.  The right, humane and lawful means are necessary.

What is also appalling, that news articles say “Watch SWAT Shoot a Dog”.  Like wow, this is cool.  It is not cool.  Informational and a tool to help bring change, maybe.  But don’t display as entertainment.

I am saddened, disgusted, appalled and angry.  BE THE CHANGE!

From the Human Society:

3,500—Number of animal shelters

6 to 8 million—Number of cats and dogs entering shelters each year

25 percent—Percentage of purebred dogs in shelters

3 to 4 million—Number cats and dogs adopted from shelters each year

2.7 million—Number of adoptable cats and dogs euthanized in shelters each year

30 percent—Percentage of shelter dogs reclaimed by their owners

2 to 5 percent—Percentage of shelter cats reclaimed by owners

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Filed under Animal Cruelty Exposed, Animal Welfare, Animals, Dogs

I love Cows and they deserve better



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Filed under Animal Cruelty Exposed, Animal Welfare, Animals

Make a Resolution to be Humane.

Make a Resolution to be Humane.
I am a vegetarian.  This is how I should have lived my entire life but I was blind. About a decade ago I finally stopped and asked myself where the supplies of food in the grocery store came from.  I immediately stopped eating other living beings.

I asked myself where the supplies of food in the grocery store came from.  I immediately stopped eating other living beings.

If you can be brave go to and watch the video.

And you need to be brave to watch this video but the fact is this is reality of what humans allow by closing their eyes and remaining ignorant. The content is horrific and covers every living being humans eat. Content warning. But be brave and call for change.



Filed under Animal Cruelty Exposed, Animal Welfare

Your Action & Voice Say NO to FUR! Please.

This is disturbing and horrific on so many levels. If you own fur garments I challenge you to watch these videos and understand the torture and lives taken.

Decades ago people through blood or red paint on those wearing fur. I don’t condone assault but why humans still condone and allow torture, maiming, mutilating, abuse and murder?

Be warned everyone of these videos is graphic and  I warn you about the content. But please do not turn your head and by ignoring the horror allow it to continue.

Please don’t turn your head. You can be the change.

Did you know bunnies could scream?

What to say to someone wearing fur:

Still not convinced? Imagine if this was your cat or dog or bunny or guinea pig. You beloved companion.

Even if a creature cannot scream or you do not hear the scream. Pain is pain. Stand up today and Be The Change.
The Most Graphic video below.


Filed under Animal Cruelty Exposed