Category Archives: Animals

Travesty – SWAT Team Shoots & Kills a Dog


Dog Killed by SWAT

An argument over dog waste results in threats between neighbors so police were called.  Then SWAT was called when one of the parties barricaded himself in his house.

His little dog runs outside with wagging tail and the SWAT team shoots & kills Angel the dog.  They shoot with those massive rifles, twice.

Police say it was an unnecessary distraction? Murdering “unnecessary distractions” is justified?


Two issues here:

  1. HUMANS MUST PROTECT ANIMALS. This is a case of firstly people do not recognize the value of life, especially animals. The number of animals, and “pets” killed through neglect, abandonment, cruel intentions and police is massive.  Maybe people can’t grasp 2.7 million, of course it could be because we lack humanity.  So what if they saw 20 dogs or cats in one room, had to watch “being put down” – which is murder.  Would they change their mind?

This dog should not have been shot.   If a toddler came out of the door smiling, would they have murdered the child?  What if the toddler came outside screaming, crying and growling because she was terrified. Child, dog, cat, guinea pig, rabbit, rat, sparrow – they should not be shot and killed.  Which brings me to point two.

  1. Police cannot use the excuse of fear for their life or distraction as a reason to kill. Do not get me wrong, I know that there are many men and women police officers that work hard, put their life on the line and protect & serve.

But governments & police departments must screen all applicants. Or do a better job screening.  And they need improved ongoing training.  Incidents like this would not happen if the right people with the best training were involved. Read an article by Frank Serpico in Politico Magazine to learn more about helping law enforcement.

And America must stop portraying the any means necessary law enforcement movies & TV.  Any means is not necessary.  The right, humane and lawful means are necessary.

What is also appalling, that news articles say “Watch SWAT Shoot a Dog”.  Like wow, this is cool.  It is not cool.  Informational and a tool to help bring change, maybe.  But don’t display as entertainment.

I am saddened, disgusted, appalled and angry.  BE THE CHANGE!

From the Human Society:

3,500—Number of animal shelters

6 to 8 million—Number of cats and dogs entering shelters each year

25 percent—Percentage of purebred dogs in shelters

3 to 4 million—Number cats and dogs adopted from shelters each year

2.7 million—Number of adoptable cats and dogs euthanized in shelters each year

30 percent—Percentage of shelter dogs reclaimed by their owners

2 to 5 percent—Percentage of shelter cats reclaimed by owners

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Filed under Animal Cruelty Exposed, Animal Welfare, Animals, Dogs

Fight Animal Cruelty

Pick a charity, so many are worthy and donate. I have listed some below.

And just as important – SPEAK UP.

If you see any animal abused, report immediately to local animal control or ASCPA or HSUS or PETA.

Animal cruelty is not just cats or dogs.  Other animals we are guardians of: birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, snakes, mice, lizards, turtles, all in our care.


I do not eat meat or wear leather.  I try to live my life cruelty free. If you cannot make this vow, please make a vow to fight all cruelty. Why do we allow animals to be terrified, tortured and treated so abysmally? Why? Is it because we are unaware or out of sight so we don’t act.  Watch this video and lend your voice, donations and actions put an end to this inhumane behavior.





do something

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Filed under Animals

I love Cows and they deserve better



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Filed under Animal Cruelty Exposed, Animal Welfare, Animals

The Dog Day of Sunday & Pug O Ween

Yes it is the dog days of Sunday here.  The weather is nice so the back door is open.  And three of the doggies are laying in front of the open door, two are sleeping but Chester is checking out the goings on in the backyard.

We are checking are calendar to see if we are free for DFW Pug Rescue‘s  fun fund-raising event – the Annual Pug-O-Ween.

10689833_764824166912828_4461773836970512424_nOctober 26, 2014 is the 18th Annual Pug-O-Ween.  11 a.m. to 4 p.m at the Grapevine, TX Convention Center.  Admission price is $8 for adults and $4 for children.  Come see the fun, enter your animal family (doesn’t have to be a pug) or come adopt a deserving, loving pug.

This year we are in limbo, so we can’t contemplate participation or making costumes.  The foster pug and bug are disappointed. Okay the Bug, Ambrosia – pug and boston terrier is Not disappointed.  She has seen my posts of doggies in costume, she is not a fan.

   133b7-578683_406926509369264_276410892_n  47718-199503_152095001519084_3504569_n  9f518-546168_421507037911211_1669767469_n




But  Pippa (aka Madlina in pug rescue records) is disappointed.  She wants everyone to know that she is cute and that her collapsing trachea isn’t holding her back. And she wants to meet Couch, a special needs pug with the same issue.

Couch is adorable and needs some donations to help with her medical expenses.

Here is a darling pug that needs a forever loving home, Hula. Meet Hula! She is a little Hula girl. She is around 7 years old. She dances around waiting to find you. She is an absolute little doll.



She had a very bad life of being a breeder girl and that life is now gone forever. Her little eyes were so damaged and blind that they had to be removed. She is a trooper and is recovering great. Thanks to DFW Pug Rescue for saving Hula and her friends. She is available for a forever home and you can inquire at

You don’t know what you are missing until you own a blind pug and welcome them in your home as a new family member. Most rewarding experience ever!!

I have to go – Someone just let out the alert that they have seen a squirrel. Everyone is answering the call to duty (except the parakeets). We must make the yard safe for caninekind.  Happy trails and tails.


do something  PayPal-Donate2

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Filed under Animals, Dogs, Rescue

Zebra Stripes: Why?

Are you an animal lover? If you are checking out my blog the probability is high that you love animals.  Now if you are a dork, nerd or whatever about learning the why of things, read on.  I came across an article written by Dr. Becker at  Yes they sell products but this veterinarian shares her perspective as a vet and fantastic insight into the world of animals.

Credit: thinkstock

Credit: thinkstock

Recently Dr. Becker shared an article she wrote recapping research done by several University of California Davis science departments. Why do Zebras have Stripes? According to Tim Caro in the paper published in Nature Communications,   Zebras have stripes to deter bites from blood sucking flies.

Have you ever been bitten by a horse fly? Aside from the very real concerns of the spread of disease parasitic flies, the bite is painful. I speak from experience.  As a young girl my parents brought Fairytale to our family. She was pregnant and when she had her foal we named him Fable. Ambling astride that kind and sweet buckskin, many a fly would just as soon bite me as they would Fairytale (her tail did had a sharp sting at the end.  I couldn’t resist 🙂 ).  But I deviate from the topic, no surprise but time to get my train back on track.

Back to Zebra stripes. Why do Zebras have stripes? Are the black and white designs for camouflage? Possible, big cat markings provide camouflage properties. Do the stripes carry a social purpose for mating or a group identity? Again, a strong possibility, just as Birds attract a mate with elaborate plumage or a male Mandrill baboons with the most colorful markings are considered attractive.  Orangutan males develop giant cheek flaps marking them as the main man.  Camouflage or social?

The UC Davis scientists say their research and experiments provide strong proof to their insect repellent theory.  Tsetse and horse flies seem to prefer a uniformly colored surface. The findings show a correlation between stripes and biting flies significant. Relatively little zebra blood was found in Tsetse flies compared to other equid species in Africa. Zebras are less susceptible to sleeping sickness.

What do you think? I am inclined to think the answer is a combination of all three and maybe other reasons humans haven’t even thought of as yet. However, if the stripe theory is valid why only black and white? Do Zebras just have classic tastes?

Now, the tsetse fly was naturally where my train of thought went next with some interesting detours about genetics and more.  Stay tuned.


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Filed under Animals