Monthly Archives: February 2014

My Friend the Belly Band Queen

My sweet and talented friend Irene has a business to help you with house training or incontinence issues with your canine loved ones.  I need to order more, someone has developed a bad habit and I love the little pee pot. He needs some stylish duds.

You will be pleased with the product as well as supporting a small business start-up. I can recommend her product because I use her belly bands. Now I am going to order training pants & suspenders for my little squirm-a-worm – how he gets out of them I do not know.
While this seems like a bit of an advertisement, it really isn’t. I love her products and want to share.  Irene made all the belly bands for DFW Pug Rescue until recently, and they still use her original pattern – but I love her new stuff (especially the suspenders). And remember to BE THE CHANGE! 

Visit Irene at or her email address is:


From her Belly Band Queen site:
I am making training pants for female and male dogs. And belly bands!! Using the training pants for males with smaller penis’ is a great alternative to the belly band that just does not want to stay on!  By using a sanitary pad with wings, on the inside of the pants, you are able to help your furry best friend get a head start on house training!
Training pants: Ex. Small to Large $15
Ex.Large-1XLarge $20
w/detachable bow $20 & $25
Belly Bands: prices starting at $15
Pug Charm hair or panty bows: $5
Suspenders: $15
Sizes for panties or pants:
XXSm: up to 3 lbs. Waist 6″-12″
Ex.Sm: 4-7 lbs. Waist 10″-13″
Small: 8-12 lbs. Waist: 13″-19″
Med: 13-16 lbs. Waist: 16″-21″
Large: 17-35 lbs. Waist: 18″-25″
Ex. LG: 36-55 lbs. Waist: 20″-27″
1XL: 56-90 lbs. Waist 25″-34″
Belly band orders are special made! I will need a measurement of your boy around his body where his “naughty bits” are!! Use a tape measure, or if you don’t have a tape measure, use a piece of string, but don’t pull it too tight!! Get me that number, and we are in business!
Choose some fabric, and you are ready!!”
As you can see the products are quality. Look at the  construction on this belly band for male dogs.



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Filed under Animals, Dogs, Reviews

Ground Hog Day & Super Bowl. Woof.

This morning everyone in the family is chilly.  Why does it keep getting cold?  And only 1 and 1/2 of us doggies like the cold. Jax may like the cold but Chester doesn’t anymore, he used to love it but he is still miffed about getting a shaving.024

“If he’d stop playing in mud and getting himself matted he’d have a coat.”  Mind your own business M.G.

“Wait did someone say chili?”  No we are all vegetarians. We strive to live cruelty free.  And that means no snide comments about your brother M.G.

Now the electricity just went off and on, we don’t know why and we don’t like when this happens.  There is a disturbance in the force, the TV stops making sounds and we were watching Animal Planet – Too Cute.

My friend Ku is getting rain and put on his raincoat.

Speedy is resting up for his big party.

Speedy is resting up for his big party.

Speedy asked us earlier in the week to go by his main blog, he is posting pictures of bunnies giving disapproving looks. And Speedy is getting ready for a big party to celebrate being with his mommy and daddy for 2 years. We are all happy for this cheeky rabbit and his family.

Well except the parakeets, they are very self-centered.

Hope shunning Happy

Hope shunning Happy

“If the saw the parakeets they would see Hope shunning and disapproving Happy.”

Bongo is worried no one will read his blog because of the Super Bowl and the Ground Hog.

I told him that I read his post, I read his Sunday school lesson and don’t worry about ground hogs and super bowls.  Today we watch the “Cute-a-thon” and the Puppy Bowl.

“Bowl? More food! Yippee, thank you. I am dancing on my hind legs here Mom, I want a bowl of food!”   “Me too!”  “Me too!” “Me too!” “Stupid kids, they hear the word bowl or treat and start jumping around like idiots.”

Ambrosia, don’t call your brothers and sisters stupid.  And it isn’t that type of bowl.  I don’t know why they call it a bowl, they just do.  We are going to watch puppies play games on TV.  And those puppies need homes, just like you did before I found you.

Now the Ground Hog is named Phil and he is from Punxsutawney.

We have relatives from Punxsy but they don’t live there anymore.  They probably moved because it is a difficult name to spell.

Phil has been predicting the weather since 1887.  Boy oh boy Phil is old.  I hope he is treated with special love and care. Phil is the official predictor of whether there will be six more weeks of winter.  Apparently there are logs of unofficial ground hogs running around and looking for shadows.

So today we cuddle and watch Puppies on TV.  The parakeets can watch as well but they just don’t care – they are too busy talking and singing.

And no M.G. don’t say anything. It is puppy bowl time.


Filed under Animals, Dogs